From 5/22(Fri.) 10:30, We will hold “Joint facilities information session” and “users meeting” of Laboratory of XPS analysis and Nano-Micro Material Analysis at FCC 2nd floor.
there are information of our facilities using and relevant lectures about both facilities equipments in this event.(there are XPS lecture in this year)
thinking both facilities using or already such facilities user , please participate this event.
We accept the paticipation on that day, but you will plan the participation, please contact us before the day.(mail: suzuki-k□ □ change at mark)
if you want to know the event, pleaserefer to the following.
Thank you.光電子分光分析研究室とナノマイクロマテリアル分析研究室の「合同施設説明会」及び「微小部・表面分析研究ユーザーズミーティング」が5/22(金) 10:30 からフロンティア応用科学研究棟2階で開催される事になりました。
当日参加も受け付けておりますが、参加予定の方は事前に当施設スタッフまでご連絡下さい。(メール: suzuki-k□ □はアットマーク)